Public transport priority in Banská Bystrica, SK

Public transport priority in Banská Bystrica, SK

 Our project in a city of Banská Bystrica brought public transport priority into the city. In this project we realized probably the first C-ITS project in Slovakia and definitelly the first public transport prioritization system using C-ITS.

We delivered 5 RSU units to intersections and 58 OBU units on busses and trolleybusses of the local public transport operator. These units together ensure priority of public transport vehicles when passing the intersections. The OBU units take data from the on-board computer using our proprietary protocol. The system was sucessfully presented to the city council in September 2023.

Priority of public transport vehicles therefore ensure their smooth passing through the intersection and reduction of their travel times. In addition it helps in descreasing the emissions of the vehicles and also makes public transport more attractive for passengers..